Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Art of Unhauling...

The Art of Unhauling… 

So I made a plan since I only really have 1 book shelf and a heck of a lot of piles and boxes is that I will be unhauling a few- which I know hurts and sucks but what the heck- I'm crazy I know. So my guidelines to to go thru arcs (which I will be handing them over to a teacher who lives a couple houses up on my street) a few middle grade might go to a parent, my neighbor next door who home schools her kids... nice family! And lastly sell to the second-hand store. Though the last two will not be arcs, those are final copies- don't worry. So your asking me now how will I let them go, well I'll tell you... If I have these books for over a year and haven't even thought to read them over that time them go into the box... and if I get a feeling to read them in the future... my library and kindle will be a savior. Because I have too much stuff. (also getting rid of a lot of clothing, goodwill or arc... so yup) I will be more picking with the books I buy even at second-hand stores this year so I can read physical copies I have. And also my TBR will be of physical copies of books for a bit unless its earcs or manga/graphic novels/ comics. I also have a few audiobooks I need to get through also (coughs) Timekeeper and Chainbreaker. (sighs) so yes I have a few pictures for this part one of unhauling and getting my room cleaner goal!

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