Title: The Space Between (Disney Fairies)
Author: Kiki Thorpe
Rating: 4/5
The Disney Fairies star in a magical all-new early chapter book series for kids ages 6 to 10—The Never Girls! It's not fair! Just as they were settling in at Pixie Hollow, Kate, Mia, Lainey, and Gabby have to go home! Tinker Bell says no kids have ever come back to Never Land, but Lainey refuses to believe it. Will she never get to ride a deer through the woods again? And how can she learn the languages of animals without the fairies' help? But even when they leave Never Land, its magic seems to follow them! That mouse in Lainey's kitchen—she's sure it was one of the fairies' dairy mice! Is there some kind of a splinter between the worlds?
My Review:
This story was just as cute as the first. Just as the girls were bought back home a space in the fence opens up that is linked to neverland. Mia's cat gets loose in Neverland- 'playing' with the fairies and soon enough the girls are back in Neverland. Will the space cause more problems... are the girl's ever going to stay home.... who knows as this series continues. I'm liking this series... even tho with the huge print and the low reading level- I'll overlook it to read this!